“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10

We are created for relationship – with God and each other. There is no better way to create connections at New Life Community Church than by serving together. Every member and regular attender is encouraged to serve according to their gifting and their passion. This page is a listing of a few ways for you to get connected through service within the church.  Please attend Next Steps for more information on any of these opportunities.


Host Team
Every Sunday morning we want to make sure everyone who comes to New Life is hosted from street to seat.  We do this with:

Greeters – Be the first smile everyone sees as you open the doors and welcome people inside.  Greeters are placed at the front door and entering into the sanctuary to greet and hand out bulletins.

Hospitality Team – Provide snacks and coffee every Sunday Morning creating a welcoming environment and a time to connect with others

Info Team – Be the one with the answers to provide directions and information about our church and upcoming events

Safety Team – Be apart of the team that keeps New Life safe at all times


Our passionate/spirit filled worship style requires a number of volunteers on a weekly basis, as well as for special events.

Musicians/Vocalists – Be a member of the worship team sharing your talents as we praise God

Sound Tech – Be trained to run the sound system

Lights/Livestream Tech – Be trained how to run lighting and live stream

Video Tech – Be instructed to run ProPresenter 7 for worship song lyrics and sermon notes



There are many other ways to connect and serve within our church body. We can use whatever skills, talents, and passions you may have from graphic design to building maintenance to office help and anything else you can think of. Please attend Next Steps to let us know what you have to offer, and we’ll find a place for you!